
I always aim to make the experience as smooth, comfortable and welcoming as possible for parents and the beautiful little ones in every photoshoot. Here are some testimonials and recommendations from my happy clients!

Absolutely amazing photographer! Amazing with the baby and very patient. Adapted to baby's needs and worked around the baby. Loved watching pictures being taken and loved how comfortable we all felt and how welcome we were made. Lovely experience and highly recommended. Can't wait to see the end result photos.

— Marged Davies

Brilliant photographer!! Had my daughters newborn photos and 1st Birthday cake smash with Stacey and I loved them. Amazing photos produced and she's always so friendly and patient. Makes everything easier. Can not wait for my daughter to have her mini Christmas session with her. Highly recommended xx

— Hannah Jones

We really enjoyed our session and Stacey made our daughter very relaxed. Our images are amazing and the service provided was fantastic. Stacey was really quick at responding to any queries we had. The packaging was really lovely with a personalised name tag. Thank you Stacey for an excellent experience and fantastic photographs.

— Sarah Pidgeon

If anyone wants or knows someone who wants pictures of their newborns done, this is the person to go to! 2 amazing newborn shoots I've had with Stacey now, as well as other pictures of Sofia, and she just keeps getting better and better! Precious moments worth every penny xxx

— Gwen Hall

Thank you so much for making us all feel so welcome and relaxed. Highly recommended, made both our children comfortable & took the time to interact with them.

— Lucy Williams

Thank you Stacey for the beautiful photos of Ruby Greene. Rich and I are over the moon with them xx.

— Adele Greene

Totally amazing photos, so patient with baby Jake had all the time in the world to wait until he was ready for his shoots and made everyone feel comfortable.. 100% recommend to anyone who wants gorgeus pics :-) Thankyou Stacey

— Vicky Jane Eccleston

We couldn't be happier with the service we had. Stacey is friendly, professional and produced beautiful pictures. We had both a maternity and newborn shoot with her. The only problem... I'm having real problems choosing what pictures we want copies of! Haha! Highly recommend xx

— Gillian Cross